Nomination Process
- Nominations for Board openings are due at nominations@nemla.org by August 15. Self-nominations are welcome.
- Except for the Second Vice President, positions on the board are staggered. Those interested in the Second Vice President position are encouraged to contact the Executive Director for more information, as that position entails recruiting their own institution as a host institution for the convention.
- The nominating committee (made of Board members) will consider all nominations (based on criteria including the nominees' experience and years of involvement with NeMLA)
and approve two nominees for each open position to stand as candidates in the election, before the membership of NeMLA elects the organization’s Board members.
- The nominating committee usually asks nominees to submit three documents: a CV, a brief biography, and a statement of purpose. The biographical statement and the statement
of purpose will be posted online in preparation for the membership vote.
- For more information about the nominating process, please email the Executive Director.
Voting in Board Elections
- Elections for the CAITY Caucus, Graduate Student Caucus, and Women's and Gender Studies Caucus positions are conducted separately by each caucus.
- The results of the elections are announced at the Sunday Membership Meeting on the last day of the convention, and all newly elected Board members begin their term on that day.
- Deadline to vote: February 1
Tentative Board Openings